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Aviator College provides a variety of Student Services to serve our diverse student population.  

FLight Schools



Academic Advising :

Academic advising is available throughout the student's enrollment at the College to assist students with the identification and resolution of academic problems. Individual advisement sessions are scheduled by appointment and may be outside of regular class time. In addition, faculty members are available throughout the term to meet with students as needed. 


Aviator College does not offer counseling services other than academics. Students requesting guidance, encouragement, or assistance in their chosen career fields are encouraged to discuss any problem with an instructor or a member of the College's management team as needed. Students who encounter problems that interfere with their ability to succeed in their program are also encouraged to seek help. While the College does not provide counseling services, it maintains a community resource list for personal, family, and financial counseling-related needs. Students who need assistance in these areas should request the community resources list.

Dispatch :

The flight dispatcher is responsible for scheduling available slots and notifying the PIC of schedule changes.  Our goal is to ensure all available aircraft are flying and you are receiving training!  The flight dispatcher also reviews weather and maintenance information to ensure safety of flights. The dispatcher receives the dispatch release form and releases the aircraft to the PIC after ensuring the flight is authorized.


Other items handled by Director of Flight Operations:

  • Assign students a flight instructor

  • Addresses student no-shows and tardiness.

  • Maintains flight training records


Other Items handled by Flight Dispatcher:

  • Students mail disseminated to mailboxes by first letter of last name

  • Students packages (UPS, FedEx, USPS)

  • Students issues with Dispatch Flight system

  • All documents pertaining to flights (weight and balance, NavLogs, Dispatch release forms, weather briefing,)

  • Various other documents (Leave of Absence,  Living Expense Form)

Tutoring is available for all students. Students should understand that tutoring is not a substitute for regular attendance for the full length of the class day throughout the program. Students who experience difficulty understanding and learning the material contained within the training programs should contact the Registrar, or the Chief Pilot to schedule tutoring with an instructor.


Students with unacceptable academic performance may be required to accept special help or attend scheduled assistance sessions as a condition of their continuation in the program. These sessions may be scheduled outside of normal classroom hours.

Financial Aid/Scholarships :

Aviator College provides financial aid, which may include grants, loans, scholarships and veteran’s benefits . Counseling and assistance is available at the financial aid office. Financial information is kept confidential to the extent possible and compliance to the Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). The financial aid department has procedures in place to ensure that all applicants receive the same treatment and guidance. However, the primary responsibility for applying for aid and/or designing a plan to cover all educational costs rests with the student and their family.


Applicants for financial aid must complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) application.

Financial Aid is determined by a variety of factors such as income, assets, family size and other family information.  Every applicant has unique circumstances, and the financial aid office is committed to helping students though the process.  It is strongly recommended students file for financial assistance as early in the year, as possible.


Financial aid eligibility requires that the student maintain satisfactory academic progress.

Career Services :

Aviator College offers Career Services by assisting students in obtaining professional, career-oriented, employment. Students have access to the Pilot Career Planning and Interviewing course while in the degree program. Aviator College allows students in good academic standing to apply for an instructor position with the College upon program completion, but makes no guarantees of job placement. This opportunity can provide the flight time and experience necessary to expanding employment options in the aviation industry, worldwide. The College diligently works on establishing relationships with airlines in order to provide students with available job information. Airline representatives hold informational sessions on campus. Students must be in good academic standing and working with the career services department for interviews with recruiters from companies seeking pilots.

Flight training

The Bookstore, located on the first floor of the Administrative building, is the source for textbooks, school supplies, and Aviator College imprinted apparel and giftware. Purchases may be made by Visa, Master Card or a charge to their student account. The Bookstore is open during the school year Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Bookstore/Pilot Shop  :

The Library and Learning Resource Center (LLRC) at Aviator College of Aeronautical Science and Technology (ACAST) provides information and materials, in a variety of formats, geared towards supplementing the college’s curriculum and helping it achieve its mission to assist each student in acquiring the skills, knowledge, and experience necessary for a successful career in aviation. 


During the past four years its holdings and resources have grown considerably, not just in number but in format and scope as well. Aside from exponentially growing its collection of books, the LLRC now boasts an adjacent computer lab, an online public access catalog (or OPAC) provided through an account with LibraryWorld®, and a digital learning platform for online courses, Moodle™, that houses a small, but growing, collection of electronic books and articles. Its central location on the main campus, convenient hours of operation -Monday through Friday from 8 am to 6pm, and provision of  knowledgeable and approachable staff, have made it a very popular spot for students to congregate, not just to study but to socialize as well.


Students can obtain print resources or access electronic media to supplement their studies and coursework for each and every single course offered at ACAST at the LLRC. Multiple, up-to-date copies of yearly editions of books produced by authoritative sources in aviation -such as The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Aviation Supplies & Academics Inc. (ASA), or Gleim® Publications- are available for students to use on library premises (reference copies) or checkout. If they are studying to take an FAA written or oral test in Private, Instrument, Commercial, or any of the Instructor ratings taught at the college, for example, students have the option of browsing through the section designated for that rating or using one of the LLRC’s computers to practice taking the exam on the online test preparatory software, Prepware™. Similarly, students taking Aviation English courses can be sure to find college level English grammar books, audio CDs that help them review and practice standard aviation radio communication procedures, terminology and phrases, along with the very books published and used by our in-house Aviation English teacher, Michelle Haworth.


A variety of selections for every rating and elective course offered by the College can be located on the library’s shelves. And in the event that a particular title is not available for checkout, students still have options for accessing the information or items they require. For example, students can either borrow an in-house reference copy or access course related content on the schools’ online learning platform, Moodle. In addition, procedures are in place for requesting or placing a “hold” on items in the event that they are currently checked out by another student or placing a “purchase request” in case the library does not yet own a copy of the material being sought. The librarian and library support staff consistently encourage students to make purchase suggestions or avail themselves of the ‘holds system’ when they are not able to locate a particular item. For example, students can place holds on items currently owned by the LLRC through the LibraryWorld OPAC (either on their own or with the help of library staff) and can place a purchase request by either filling out a form that is available at the main reference desk of the library or by simply e-mailing the librarian, whose contact information is readily available in signage posted around the library.


Student Resource Center  :

Student Housing or Dormitories at Aviator College are dynamic communities designed to be extensions of the classroom and a microcosm of the greater world community. Inherent in any community is a diversity of values, ideas, and behaviors. Our Student Housing represents capsules of such diversity where one will learn civility, tolerance, acceptance, and a celebration of those differences.


Residents will be exposed to social and academic support needed to move through their collegiate career with the ultimate goal of graduating with life skills to effectively contribute to the greater society. At Aviator College, the residence facilities are more than a place to sleep and eat. They are places where students learn how to appreciate diversity by living and working with people throughout the global community. They also allow for decision-making skills in order to develop independence, gain self-confidence and accept responsibility.


The 36,000 sq. ft. Dormitory Facilities are located on the main campus, within walking distance to the classes. The dormitories are fully furnished with four bedrooms, suite-style living with a common room, full kitchen, each room has a separate bathroom, WIFI Internet connection, and the option for single or shared occupancy. The dorms are not equipped with their own laundry facilities. Onsite laundry facilities are provided. Housing options are also located in Vero Beach with shuttle service is provided to and from the College campus on a set schedule.


Students desiring a specific housing assignment may submit requests to the Office of Student Housing. Requests for room assignments are honored on a first-come, first-served, space-available basis. The College does not guarantee housing, or housing assignments to a specific building, room, or roommate. Co-ed and Single sex housing may be available at the time of request/enrollment.

Student Housing  :

Shuttle Service

Students who do not have vehicles on campus may take advantage of the Aviator College’s shuttle service. Shuttles makes regular trips from the Campus Center into Fort Pierce and Vero Beach at various times throughout the day on a schedule basis and by appointment. The Shuttle is perfect for grocery shopping, doctor and medical appointments, and getting to the airport. The shuttle runs during the academic year and throughout the summer, unless a campus vehicle is not available or weather does not permit.


Shuttle schedules are posted in the Cafeteria and the Flight Ops.

Community Resource Guide that includes Counseling, Hospitals & Urgent Care Centers, Beaches & Parks, Shopping and Community Events.

Tutoring :

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Aviators' Aviation Degree program has specific emphasis on the pilot training aspects needed to meet the requirements of the commercial airline pilot industry.


For more information Click here.

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      (772) 466-4822




of Aeronautical Science

& Technology
3800 Saint Lucie Blvd 
Fort Pierce, Florida 34946

Copyright © 2020 Aviator Flight Training College. All rights reserved.

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