For more than 33 years Aviator College has been the leader in commercial airline flight training. We have successfully trained pilots to earn more than 45,000 pilot airmen certificates. Our FAA-certified Part 141 and Part 61 approved flight programs provide students with the skills and experience demanded by today’s commercial aviation industry. Aviator is accredited by the ACCSC (Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges).
Our flight training programs are set in a structured environment to ensure the student receives the knowledge that is required to be a professional pilot. Our programs all offer a minimum of private through commercial ratings, with options for all three instructor ratings. Options to maximize multi-engine flight hours, Cross Country flying is coast-to-coast.
When you choose Aviator College, you have the option to conduct ALL of your flight training in aircraft, or to reduce your cost by conducting a portion of your flight hours in an approved Part 141 FTD simulator.
This “hands-on” approach provides the best flight training environment for pilots of the future. We encourage training in actual instrument conditions. Flying at Aviator College is 24 hours-a-day, rain or shine. Aviator flight training programs offer more actual multi-engine time than any other school in the country. Our fleet of multi-engine aircraft are equipped up to GPS and EFIS Systems (Glass Cockpits). Come and take a tour and see the Aviator difference.