Aviation English
& Testing*
*Not accredited by ACCSC
The mission of the Aviation English Program is to provide valuable, purposeful, and meaningful Aviation English instruction to international Aviation students and Aviation professionals, enhancing the communication skills of all who participate in our program as well as the college community. We strive to maintain high standards for both instructors and students and emphasize the skills Aviation professionals will use in ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) English proficiency testing and throughout their careers.
Together with Aviator College, the Aviation English Department assists students in meeting their ICAO English Proficiency goals. Our commitment to upholding exceptional standards of professionalism is best exemplified by the caliber of our graduates.
The Aviation English courses, offered by Aviator College of Aeronautical Science and Technology, are accredited by the Commission on English Language Accreditation and agrees to uphold the CEA Standards for English Language Pro and Institutions. CEA is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as a national accrediting agency for English language programs and institutions in the U.S.A.
International students that are enrolling in one of our pilot programs and wish to increase their English to a level 4 (four) or higher, may enroll in one of our Aviation English Courses. Research shows that students can quickly earn their ICAO level 4 (four) certificate in as little as one month, which could also reduce your cost in flight training. The course will consist of one month of training by highly experienced English Instructors and easy-to-follow curriculum. The curriculum consists of small classroom group studies, one-on-one instruction, online homework assignments using our Moodle Learning Management System.
As mandated by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in accordance with ICAO English Language Proficiency Requirements, all pilots and air traffic personnel are now required to demonstrate English Proficiency according to a minimum of Operational Level 4 (four) standards.
Therefore, all international students must show proof of ICAO English Proficiency at or above ICAO Level 4 to begin flight training. Students who have not been tested yet will test upon arrival to Aviator College.
Admissions Requirements:
For those attending flight training at Aviator College, please follow Aviator College's admissions requirements for international students.
For those attending ONLY ICAO English Proficiency Courses, the TOEIC/TOEFL/IELTS requirement is waived. However, a copy of a valid pilot or ATC license and proof of current ICAO Level is required in its place.
Aviation English
Aviation English - Spanish
Aviation English - Korean
Aviation English - Russian
Aviation English - Mandarin
Courses can be expanded or condensed to meet the needs
of the student.
3 months of English
-1 TOEIC Prep class, 2 months of Aviation English classes
5 months shared housing (shared)
Private Pilot Airplane Rating (PPL certificate)- FAA Part 141 -30 hours of dual -10 hours solo -formal ground school
TOEIC Test and Aviation English Placement Testing included
Books and Materials
Airport Transfer from Orlando, Miami, or Palm Beach International Airport to the Aviator College Campus
M1 Visa Documentation
Small class sizes-no more than 10 students
Must be at least 17 years
of age with a high school diploma and be able to pass a 3rd class medical exam
Appropriate for Intermediate English Learner who needs to satisfy the Aviator College admissions requirement
The TOEIC 3 Preparation Course prepares students to take and pass the TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) test.
Formulate organized opinions based on oral or written prompts.
Complete sentences with proper intermediate grammatical structure.
Accurately summarize written or oral materials according to TOEIC standards.
Complete practice tests in listening speaking, reading, and writing.
Improve pronunciation skills while completing TOEIC sample tasks.
Use a variety of high frequency vocabulary in written and spoken communication.
Use good test-taking strategies while responding to practice TOEIC questions.
$ 1,650.00 per course
(Level 3) - (100 hours per level)

$ 19,420.00
Request Higher 3.0 is a 100-hour course designed to help students at ICAO Level 2 to move to ICAO Level 3 English Proficiency.
It is the perfect course for beginners.
Develop English language skills in Pronunciation, Structure, Vocabulary, Fluency, Interaction, and Comprehension
Discuss the non-routine situations in Aviation
Focus on listening and speaking skills
Use the written word while strengthening your skills
Receive aviation related homework assignments, observations and group projects
Monday-Friday 3 hours in class time per day
Testing additional.

Expedite Level 4 is a
100-hour course designed
to help students at ICAO Level 3
or 4 move to ICAO 4 or 5.
Practice pilot/ATC communication using high frequency vocabulary in some of the most common non-routine situations
Improve grammar and sentence structure in Aviation related situations
Increase the flow and fluency of speech
Learn the skills to give good quality responses required in ICAO approved testing
Learn to quickly brainstorm about non-routine situations
Receive frequent opportunities for one on one practice/Question & Answer with the instructor
Receive aviation related homework assignments, observations and group projects
Monday-Friday 3 hours in class time per day
*All students enrolled in Expedite Level 4 will attend Cleared to Communicate at no additional charge
Testing additional.
$ 1,650.00
$ 1,650.00
Cleared to Communicate VFR is the course all pilots want (and need to take).
It is a 32 hour course designed to help you understand the procedures
and terminology used in VFR flight.
Learn to communicate with pilot/ATC communication in routine situations with standard and non-standard phraseology
Practice the radio communication procedures used from taxiing for departure throughout your flight.
Monday-Friday 1.5 hour in class time per day
$ 650.00
Five by Five
Five by Five is a 75 hour course designed to help students learn the skills needed to reach ICAO 5.
Learn about the skills measured by ICAO ELP exams in order to use best practices while testing
Practice pilot/ATC communication using high frequency vocabulary
Refine grammatical skills and pronunciation
Learn to brainstorm efficiently about non-routine situations
Receive aviation related homework assignments and group projects
This course offers a blend of in-class instruction plus online assignments
Prerequisite: Students must show proof of ICAO 4 English proficiency to be enrolled in this course.
$ 1100.00
Approved English testing for aviation.

The Test of English for Aviation is managed and administered by Mayflower College and:
meets the ICAO English Language Proficiency Requirements (LPR’s) for licensing purposes
is approved by the UK Civil Aviation Authority and many other national authorities
assesses spoken and listening ability according to the ICAO Rating Scale
Aviator College - European Flight Training operates as a test centre for Mayflower College in the UK which is approved to conduct language proficiency testing by the UK CAA

Aviator College and European Flight Training in Fort Pierce, Florida, USA. TEA, test of Aviation English.

Aviator College and European Flight Training in Fort Pierce, Florida, USA. TEA, test of Aviation English.

Aviator College and European Flight Training in Fort Pierce, Florida, USA. TEA, test of Aviation English.

Aviator College and European Flight Training in Fort Pierce, Florida, USA. TEA, test of Aviation English.
Small class sizes
No more than 10 students per class
For further information contact
our Aviation English Department